Ritchie James Edward Lowe v Greenmountain Food Processing Pty Ltd [2024] QDC 204

Keywords: breach of duty, failure to mitigate loss, finger injury, meat processing plant, negligence, workers’ compensation

Cook v Riding for the Disabled Association (NSW) & Anor [2024] NSWSC 1332

Keywords: breach of duty, dangerous recreational activity, failure to take that reasonable precaution, non-delegable duty of…

Boothman v George [2024] WADC 26

Keywords: breach of duty, causation, exercise the skill and diligence expected of qualified person, medical negligence,…

Griffin v Brisbane City Council [2023] QDC 229

Keywords: breach of duty, defendant on notice, duty of care, foreseeability, lack of support, negligence, psychiatric…

Morris v Evolution Traffic Control Pty Ltd & Anor [2023] QDC 195

Keywords: breach of duty, failure to warn, foreseeable risk, reasonable precautions, reasonable system, safe system of…

Speziali v Nortask Pty Ltd & Anor [2023] QSC 166

Keywords: breach of contract, breach of duty, Breach of Statutory Duty, contributory negligence, Damages, negligence, safe…

Howard v Holdaway [2023] ACTMC 26

Keywords: breach of duty, breach of duty not established on the evidence., breach of duty of…

Ballina Shire Council v Moore [2023] NSWCA 155

Keywords: breach of duty, deterrence, failure to remove bollard, identifying risk of harm, negligence, pedestrians and…

Cullen v State of New South Wales [2023] NSWSC 653

Keywords: Assault, battery, breach of duty, duty of care of police to attend ease at rally,…

Tristram-Howard -v- Morris Corporation (Aust) Pty Ltd [2023] WADC 60

Keywords: assessment of damages, back injury, breach of duty, duty of care, Harm alleged as a…

Mason v State of Queensland [2023] QDC 80

Keywords: breach of duty, duty of care, lack of managerial support, negligence, physically assaulted, psychological injury…

Mt Owen Pty Ltd v Parkes [2023] NSWCA 77

Keywords: apportionment of liability between legal employer and host employer, breach of duty, Damages, duty of…

Horne v Williams Construction Pty Ltd [2023] NSWCA 58

Keywords: actual knowledge established more than three years prior to commencement of proceedings, breach of duty,…

Nestle Australia Ltd v Metri [2021] NSWCA 303

Keywords: breach of duty, factual causation, foreseeability, forklift operator, identification of risk, negligence, reasonable precautions seatbelt,…

Prouten v Chapman [2021] NSWCA 207

Keywords: breach of duty, duty of care, formulation of risk, nature strip, negligence, postal officer, reasonable…

Smart v Compass Group (Australia) Pty Ltd [2021] QDC 176

Keywords: breach of duty, causation, footpath, kerb, liability, negligence, not insignificant risk, repetitive task, step, straightforward…