Morris v Evolution Traffic Control Pty Ltd & Anor [2023] QDC 195 Keywords: breach of duty, failure to warn, foreseeable risk, reasonable precautions, reasonable system, safe system of… 31 October 2023
Dearden v Ryan & Anor [2022] QSC 111 Keywords: foreseeable risk, house party, identification of risk, plaintiff set alight by intoxicated, public liability, scope… 02 June 2022
Kime v Vicinity Centres PM Pty Ltd & Anor [2021] NSWDC 113 Keywords: breach of duty of care, burden of taking precautions, Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW), contributory… 08 April 2021
Walker v Green Mountain Food Processing Pty Ltd [2020] QSC 329 Keywords: contributory negligence, dangerous activity, foreseeable risk, misjudgement, probability of serious injury, urgency of task, workcover… 29 October 2020
Bowman v Nambucca Shire Council [2020] NSWSC 1121 Keywords: duty of care, foreseeable risk, obvious risk, public liability, recreational activity, relevant risk of harm,… 21 August 2020
Peters v Wilkins Trust [2020] QDC 125 Keywords: expert evidence, foreseeable risk, intervening event, obvious risk, reasonable precautions against the risk of injury,… 10 June 2020
Yeung v Santosa Realty Co Pty Ltd & Anor [2020] VSCA 7 Keywords: apportionment of liability, Costs, defective stairs, delegated duty, duty of care, failure to inspect, foreseeable… 06 February 2020
Lloyd v Thornbury [2019] NSWCA 154 Keywords: addressed prospectively, duty of care, fell into hole in backyard, foreseeable risk, identification of risk,… 25 June 2019
Ringuet v State of Queensland [2019] QDC 91 Keywords: as between employer and employee, barge doors, causation, duty of care, foreseeable risk, history of… 06 June 2019
54. Deans v Maryborough Christian Education Foundation Limited [2019] QCA 75 Keywords: foreseeable risk, grape, negligence, schoolteacher, slip and fall, standard of care 03 May 2019