Eden v Jamieson & Anor [2023] QSC 240 Keywords: contributory negligence, discount for contingencies, future economic loss, negligence, pedestrian injury, torts 02 November 2023
Jennings v Wilden [2023] NSWCA 41 Keywords: “buffer” of $100, 000 awarded, appea, appeal, appeal against liability, assessment, Civil proceedings, forced sexual… 14 March 2023
Tyndall v Kestrel Coal Pty Ltd (No 3) [2021] QSC 119 Keywords: assessment of damages, causation, duty of care, future economic loss, s 305B of the Workers’… 27 May 2021
Coughlan v United Precast (Vic) Pty Ltd [2020] VSC 671 Keywords: assessment of damages, brain and facial injuries, Damages, future economic loss, future employment, general damages,… 13 October 2020
Fung v Bossie Chau Pty Ltd [2020] NSWDC 118 Keywords: brothel, Civil Liability Act, Damages, deprivation of liberty, future economic loss, intentional harm 21 April 2020
Bushby v The Nominal defendant [2019] NSWDC 733 Keywords: dependency, early retirement, future economic loss, future loss of earning capacity, increase in earnings since… 04 December 2019
RSL Care Limited v Wallace [2019] QCA 23 Keywords: breach of duty, duty of care, future economic loss, measure and remoteness of damages, negligence,… 19 February 2019
Redding v Manly Life Saving Club Inc & Anor [2018] NSWDC 278 Keywords: CLA, Damages, eye injury, future economic loss, Manly Lifesaving Club, non-economic loss, struck in eye,… 04 October 2018