At TSP, our lawyers summarise all relevant Queensland cases (plus a selection of relevant interstate cases) as they are handed down and then share them internally for training and professional development.

We decided that in the spirit of cooperation and working together, we would share these on our website so that the wider profession is able to use them as well.

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Springfree Trampoline Australia Pty Ltd v Forostenko [2024] QCA 255

Keywords: appeal, Costs, counter-appeal, failure to counterfactual proposition, Rehearing, safety defect, sine qua non

WorkCover Queensland v. Lismore City Council [2024] QSC 292

Keywords: dismissal of proceedings for want of prosecution, no step in the proceeding for over two…

Ewan v Miskin Hill CTS 29107 & Anor [2024] QSC 306

Keywords: as a result, civil proceedings in state and territory courts, Procedure, the applicant’s attempt to…

Dean v Central Highlands Regional Water Corporation [2024] VSCA 315

Keywords: appeal, Dog attack, meter reader, negligence, workplace accident

Elisha v Vision Australia Limited [2024] HCA 50

Keywords: breach of contract, Damages, discipline and termination of employment, negligence, scope of contractual duty

Daher v Gold & Eagle Constructions Pty Ltd [2024] NSWSC 1575

Keywords: 5D, 5F, 5G, 5H, 5I, 5R, 5S, Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW), contributory negligence, Duty…

Bryden (By His Litigation Guardian Sarah Bryden) v INA Operations Pty Ltd Trust No 4 (t/a Igenia Holidays Riverhouse) [2024] QMC 23

Keywords: Child, litigation guardian, sanction

Agrigrain Pty Ltd v Rindfleish [2024] NSWCA 295

Keywords: Admission contrary to subsequent argument not withdrawn, Contract terms, Discoverability, EMPLOYMENT AND INDUSTRIAL LAW, Factors…

Stewart v Metro North Hospital & Health Service [No. 2] [2024] QCA 247

Keywords: Appellants Appeal and Respondents cross-appeal dismissed, calderbank offer, counteroffer, whether decision to reject the Calderbank…

Adani Mining Pty Ltd v Pennings [2024] QSC 302

Keywords: civil proceedings in state and territory courts, conspiring to injure, Costs, ending proceedings early, equitable…

Tabloid Pty Ltd v Pringle [2024] WASCA 152

Keywords: appellate restraint, assessment of damage, Damages, future loss of earning capacity, past loss of earning…

Eaves v Dr Allan Bond & Associates Pty Ltd (No. 2) [2024] QSC 299

Keywords: Claderbank and UCPR offers, determination of costs

Ritchie James Edward Lowe v Greenmountain Food Processing Pty Ltd [2024] QDC 204

Keywords: breach of duty, failure to mitigate loss, finger injury, meat processing plant, negligence, workers’ compensation

Macari v Snack Brands Foods Pty Ltd [2024] NSWCA 282

Keywords: Appellant slipped on steps in respondent’s factory, causation, cause of slip alleged to be either…

MTH v State of New South Wales [2024] NSWSC 1517

Keywords: Abuse of process, failure to exercise reasonable care, high degree of satisfaction, non delegable duty…

Milne v SDN Children’s Services and BRC Recruitment Pty Ltd [2024] NSWSC 149

Keywords: commercial kitchen, labour hire agreement, non-delegable duty, pre-existing condition, slip and fall