Patchett v Nichols and Nichols [2024] QDC 45 Keywords: admissibility, Assault, battery, evidence, Hearsay, Interference with the person, Joint wrongdoers, Liability-only trial, Multiple wrongdoers,… 08 April 2024
Harnett v Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes (No2) [2024] NSWSC 98 Keywords: evidence, Evidence Act 1995 (NSW), prejudice, probative value, tendency evidence rules 08 February 2024
Yousif v Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd [2022] NSWDC 516 Keywords: causation, Credit, Damages, evidence, negligence, witnesses 25 October 2022
Clancy v Plaintiffs A, B, C and D; Bird v Plaintiffs A, B, C and D [2022] NSWCA 119 Keywords: children, dual vicarious liability, employee vs contractor, evidence, exemplary damages, intentional tort, negligence, NSW, personal… 06 July 2022
Mackey v Hunter Valley Gardens Pty Ltd [2019] NSWDC 150 Keywords: beer garden, causation, contributory negligence, Damages, dancing, duty of care, evidence, negligence, slip and fall,… 01 May 2019
Brown v Daniels & Anor [2018] QSC 209 Keywords: admissibility, base of opinion, defendant’s objection, evidence, expert opinion, Harley Davidson, liability of driver, motorcycle,… 14 September 2018