Dodd v Workers Compensation Regulator [2024] QIRC 273

Keywords: multiple stressors, pre-existing condition, psychological injury, significant contributing factor

Secretary, Department of Education v Dawking [2024] NSWCA 4

Keywords: appeal, causation of injury, discipline or dismissal of workers, employer liable to pay workers’ compensation,…

Hart v MetLife Insurance Limited [2023] NSWCA 230

Keywords: absent from work for a six-month period, misapprehension, on risk, pleaded claim, psychological injury, relevant…

Addison-Radford v State of Victoria [2023] VSC 457

Keywords: failure to obtain full and complete history, GEPIC, grounds for review, Judicial Review, psychological injury,…

Broadbent v Workers’ Compensation Regulator [2023] QIRC 070

Keywords: appeal against decision of Workers Compensation Regulator, arising out of, major significant contributing factor, of…

Addison v BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (3) [2021] NSWSC 1031

Keywords: contributory negligence, opinion evidence, psychological injury, psychological testing

Hoblos v Alexakis [2021] NSWCA 126

Keywords: Abnormal illness behaviour, Damages, Evidence of exaggeration or malingering, psychological injury

Deshong v Workers’ Compensation Regulator [2021] QIRC 205

Keywords: appeal against regulator’s decision, decision of regulator, major significant contributing factor, psychological injury, reasonable management…

Hoveydai v Mak & Anor [2021] QSC 16

Keywords: assessment of damages, Civil Liability Act, diminution of earning capacity, gratuitous care claim, motor vehicle…

King v Workers’ Compensation Regulator [2020] QIRC 180

Keywords: bullying and harassment, psychological injury, reasonable management action, section 32(5) Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Act,…

Ivers v Mehdi [2020] ACTSC 112

Keywords: Civil Law Wrongs Act 2002 (ACT), motor vehicle driven by first defendant, motor vehicle striking…

Dorsett v Workers’ Compensation Regulator [2019] QIRC 097

Keywords: failure to take reasonable management, psychological injury, residential care officer, workers’ compensation, Workers’ Compensation and…

McEnearney v Simon Blackwood (Workers’ Compensation Regulator) [2019] ICQ 7

Keywords: alleged error in decision, erred in decision making process, Industrial law, psychological injury

Keong v Queensland Rail Ltd [2018] QDC 31

Keywords: action, consequence of plaintiff would not have been employed in same capacity, consideration of circumstances…